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Father’s Day: A Reflection

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  • Post last modified:May 20, 2024

Throughout much of my adult life, the observance of Father’s Day has evoked profound sentiments of sorrow and solitude, stemming from the loss of my father during my formative years at the age of 15. The duration of his physical absence has far exceeded his presence in my life. Nevertheless, the profundity of his influence in shaping my personal and professional odyssey as a woman and a researcher continues to deepen.

His aspirations for a society untainted by corruption, evidenced through his tenure as a bureaucrat, and his proactive endeavors in championing justice for marginalized women within the legal arena, have indelibly informed my pursuits in fostering equity and social justice. His resolute stance against patriarchal norms and human-crafted regulations, despite encountering reproach from various quarters, fills me with a sense of pride and inspiration.

The recollections wherein my father resides are not mere relics of the past; rather, they serve as guiding beacons illuminating my trajectory forward. Fond memories abound, such as his poignant recitations of literary masterpieces like “Shesher Kabita,” “Puroskar,” and “Sonar Tori,” along with his remarkable translations of works such as “The Old Man and The Sea” and articles from Readers Digest, which continue to captivate my thoughts.

Last photo with my Dad, 1993

Reflections upon our evening strolls, during which I would regale him with tales of my imaginary companions and grand philosophical musings, while he shared anecdotes from his courtroom battles and strategies for cross-examinations, are imbued with nostalgia. Our akin personalities ensured our narratives culminated in optimistic resolutions, infused with hope.

Even at the tender age of 6 or 7, we envisioned the celebration of my eventual Ph.D. graduation, the tenor of my conference addresses, and the themes of my inaugural publication. Though it pains me that my father could not witness any of these milestones firsthand, including my doctoral convocation, it is a source of solace that I traverse the path we ardently charted together.

Our brief earthly sojourn has bequeathed unto me a lifelong purpose: to combat societal injustices. I count myself immensely fortunate to inherit such a profound legacy.

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