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Story of My Rooftop

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  • Post last modified:May 14, 2024

What do we miss a lot in Canada that we left behind in our home country? A discussion on this topic took place among us, international students, at a café at York University a few years ago. Several answers wrapped up with thoughts and emotions were expressed: monsoon rain, morning Azan, real taste and smell of authentic food, chaos and noise in a crowded city, and many more. My reply was ‘the rooftop’. Yes, my rooftop where many moments of my teenage life were shaped and manifested.

During summer days when the sun finally goes down and darkness gradually engulfs the sky, I would like to go there again, climbing the two stacks of stairs, taking a pillow and blanket with me to lie down on a boundary-less space, watch and count the stars, wonder about the grand scale of creation, and gather the small pieces of my imaginations under the ethereal moonlight. I would like to feel the warm monsoon rain on the palms of my hands, take a shower while singing, laughing, and jumping around the rooftop.

On My Rooftop, 1995

What else I used to do there?

I watched how caterpillars after eating mango leaves turned into a cocoon and then flew away as butterflies just when I was not observing! In downtimes, the rooftop offered me a place for solitude, a shelter to feel sad and cry avoiding other eyes. Often, it turned into a super happy space where I had picnics with friends, and collected, produced, and executed girly gossips. Sometimes, the rooftop was my runway to practice catwalk for my imaginary modeling career (as the photo depicts)!!